Spet ni nedelja, je sobota :). Ampak feels like something new, in kaj je boljšega kot mističnost in transcendentalnost irske folk skupine Clannad, katerega člani so sorodniki bolj znane družinske članice, Enye. Gre za zelo pestro in tradicionalno prežeto folklorno glasbo, ki pa vsebuje nepopisane lepote...
Clannad - I Will Find You
Hope is your survival
A captive path I lead
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a long long time
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years
No matter where you go
I will find you
In the place with no frontiers
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years
Hale wú yu ga I sv
Do na dio sv i
Wi ja lo sv
Ha le wú yu
Do na dlo sv
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a long long time
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years
No matter where you go
I will find you
In the place with no frontiers
No matter where you go
I will find you
If it takes a thousand years
No matter where you go
I will find you
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